Tax Collector of Union County
Our Mission

The duties and responsibilities of this office are many and varied, but the main goal of YOUR Union County Tax Collector is to serve YOU, the citizens of our community. This office will always be run as efficiently and effectively as possible in order to serve you best.

Warm Regards,

Lisa B. Johnson

Concealed Weapon or Firearm License Application at Tax Collectors’ Offices Toolkit: Website Update Click Here to view more information
Our Services
Tax Collector of Union County
Office Location and Hours

Union County Tax Collector, Florida

Lisa B. Johnson


Location : 55 W. Main St., Room 108 Lake Butler, Fl 32054

Mailing Address : 55 W. Main St., Room 108 Lake Butler, Fl 32054

Regular Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Driver's License Office Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm

Email: Lisa B. Johnson

Email: Jennifer Orton

Email: Allison Young

Email: Kristen Poppell

Email: Penny Hersey

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing

Concealed Weapon Licenses

Florida concealed weapon licenses are processed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Due to rising demand, Tax Collector offices have been given authority to take applications, fingerprint the applicants and send the information securely to the department for final determination. There are currently more than 1.5 million concealed weapon licenses in Florida, and the department processed more than 225,000 applications for new licenses last fiscal year. For more information and Frequently Asked Questions/Answers, access our Concealed Weapons Permit page within the Services section , or

Renewals will be processed Monday - Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Original applications which require fingerprinting will be processed on Tuesday and Thursdays by appointment only.
If you have questions please call our office at 386-496-3331. Don’t waste time mailing your application.
Stop by Union County Tax Collector’s main office and apply in person.

Latest News
Lisa B. Johnson, Union County Tax Collector’s Office Announces Replacement Concealed Weapon License Services

Florida residents are now able to replace their statewide concealed weapon license at the Tax Collector’s Office. You must have your concealed carry number in order to do so. If you do not have your number you can reach out to the Department of Agriculture for that information. Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson partnered with Lisa B. Johnson, Tax Collector to pass legislation that allows our office to offer replacement concealed weapon license services. Don’t waste time mailing your application. Stop by the Tax Collector’s Office today and apply in person.

Union County Tax Collector’s Office Announces New Option to Apply for Concealed Weapon Licenses!

Local residents are now able to apply for their statewide concealed weapon license at the Union County Tax Collectors office.
Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam partnered with the Union County Tax Collector to pass legislation that extends this opportunity to residents of Union County.

Road Testing

Please contact the tax collector and we will assist you for your road testing needs.

Florida Tax Collectors